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Tuberculosis Control

Florida Department of Health in Manatee County

DOH-Manatee's Tuberculosis Clinic provides TB-related services to residents of Manatee County.

Tuberculosis Treatment

Our primary service is to identify and treat any residents who have (or are suspected to have) active tuberculosis. Individuals with positive tuberculin skin tests or symptoms consistent with active disease receive radiographic exams, bacteriologic and symptom evaluations. We treat to cure using directly observed therapy.

To prevent the spread of tuberculosis in the community, we also evaluate residents with latent tuberculosis. Treatment is offered to those at highest risk for progressing to active disease.

Other services

TB Tests:  Tuberculin skin testing is provided for residents who need it for a new job, to enter college or for other programs that require TB tests.

TB Training:  Tuberculosis Clinic staff members provide training to community agencies about the disease, tuberculin skin testing (application and interpretation) and respirator fit testing.  This training promotes consistency and continuity of care with our partners outside the health department system.