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Manasota Medical Reserve Corps

Manasota Medical Reserve Corps

We want YOU!

Medical Volunteers

  • Medical providers licensed to vaccinate and/or prescribed
  • Emergency medical technicians and paramedics
  • Respiratory therapists
  • Pharmacists
  • Veterinarians
  • Occupational health, industrial hygiene and infection prevention (including N95 fit testers)
  • Anayone with other medical health care or public health backgrounds
  • Retired volunteer medical workers

Nonmedical Licenses and Credentialed Volunteers

  • Licensed behavioral health providers
  • Health educators
  • Sanitarians and environmental health specialists
  • Members of emergency response teams

Administrative and Other Skilled Volunteers

  • HAM radio operators
  • Computer or technical skills
  • Organizational skills
  • Marketing and communications skills
  • Multilingual
  • Others on case-by-case basis


Medical Reserve Corps Logo

The Manasota Medical Reserve Corp (MRC) is a team of pre-identified, trained and credentialed volunteers who augment local community health and medical services during disasters, as well as during more routine public health activities.

Opportunities are available for a variety of trained volunteers with different skills and knowledge (see list on the right-hand column).

Individuals 18 years of age and older from all backgrounds are needed, including students, business professionals, retirees and others.

The MRC may be activated to respond to:

  • Natural disaters, such as fires, floods and earthquakes;
  • Biological and chemcial terrorism, such as anthrax exposures;
  • Disease outbreaks and investigations, such as pandemic influenza.

'Thunder by the Bay' Motorcycle Festival (Sarasota, 2020)The MRC serves Manatee and Sarasota counties and remains on standby during events scheduled every year. Volunteers set up and staff medical aid stations and respond in MERVs (mini emergency response vehicles).

Volunteers may participate in many different activities that increase the community's ability to recover from disasters, such as:

Manatee Schools Migrant Education Program Fair (Palmetto, 2022)

  • Disaster medical and behavioral health support
  • Community vaccination clinics
  • Disease testing and surveillance
  • First aid and medical support during large public gatherings
  • Emergency shelter operations and medical care
  • Mass dispensing efforts
  • Support to disaster call centers
  • Emergency Operations Center and communications support
  • Emergency preparedness planning and admiistrative support

Volunteers will be asked to fill roles based on their expertise and experience and the needs of the emergency response.

To apply to be a volunteer for the MRC, click on MRC Application.